Italy is attractive for its beautiful scenery, nature and culture, and also for the opportunities it offers for companies seeking a solid base for business. Our colleague Giuseppe La Naia, Managing Partner of LDP Tax, Law & Payroll, introduces the advantages of Italy, the strength of their company and what they value the most about our community.
What do you consider to be the biggest opportunities on the Italian market at the moment? What is the best thing about our country?
Investing in Italy offers access to its unique export know-how in sectors such as automation and machinery, fashion, design, and also food. Today, multinational companies represent an important part of the Italian economy: industrial foreign affiliates now employ 11% of total workers, produce more than 20% of domestic turnover, and export 26% of national exported goods.
There have been many reforms to streamline and simplify the procedures needed to start and manage a business in Italy, for example by reducing the minimum capital and speeding up registration procedures. Within these new facilities in place, there are the incentives for innovative newco startups and, few years ago, the Labour Code has been overhauled with the introduction of more flexibility to conclude tax settlement. The cornerstones of the Industry 4.0 plan are the 4 fiscal measures:

Giuseppe La Naia
Managing Partner
LDP Tax, Law & Payroll | Italy
Tax incentives for investments in innovative startups and SMEs
The tax relief provided for subjects investing in innovative start-ups and SMEs includes:
- for individuals, an IRPEF deduction of 30% of the sum invested in the share capital, up to a maximum investment of 1,000,000 euros per year;
- for legal entities, an IRES deduction of 30% of the investment, with a maximum annual investment ceiling of € 1,800,000.
As an alternative to the ordinary deduction, for investments carried out from 1.1.2020, an IRPEF deduction equal to 50% of the sum invested by the taxpayer in the share capital of one or more innovative start-ups and SMEs is recognized, up to a maximum annual investment of 100,000 euros.
Tax credit for R&D
For research and development activities, a tax credit is granted:
- in an amount equal to 20% of the expenses carried out;
- up to a maximum limit of 4 million euros.
The eligible expenses are related to:
- workers involved in the above-mentioned R&D activities;
- depreciation charges related to the assets employed to carry out the activities/projects;
- R&D “extra-muros”, i.e. activities carried out jointly with universities, research institutes and equivalent bodies and other enterprises;
- technical expertise, industrial and biotechnological patents.
The tax facility operates for the tax period subsequent to 31.12.2019 (2020 for “solar” subjects) and up to the one in progress at 31.12.2022.
Patent Box
The Patent box regime is a type of tax bonus that was introduced to improve the development of intellectual property, granting tax benefits to resident and non-resident taxpayers, who are engaged in research and development activities. The main goal of the Patent box is to promote investments in research and development of intangible assets.
The eligible intangible assets are:
- Software protected by copyright;
- Technical-industrial and business know how;
- Patents (which can be granted or in process of being granted);
- Other legally protected IP, such as designs and models.
There are multiple benefits that Patent box regime offers. The main benefit for the Patent box businesses is a partial tax deduction up to 50% from Corporate tax for incomes from direct use or licensing of intangible assets included in the list above. Under the Patent box regime, taxpayers can partially deduct from their tax income the qualified incomes that are derived from the direct exploitation of intangibles or from licensing of the IP, such as royalties earned by the taxpayer, net of all IP-relating costs.
Tax credit for investments in capital goods
The tax credit is recognized in different ways in relation to the type of investments and the time they are carried out.
There are two different “window period”:
- From 16.11.2020 to 31.12.2021
- Purchase of tangible assets, a tax credit of 10% is recognized up to a maximum cost of 2 million euros;
- Purchase of intangible assets, a tax credit of 10% is recognized up to a maximum cost of 1 million euros;
- From 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022
- Purchase of tangible assets, a tax credit of 6% is recognized up to a maximum cost of 2 million euros;
- Purchase of intangible assets, a tax credit of 6% is recognized up to a maximum cost of 1 million euros
For 4.0 goods:
- From 16.11.2020 to 31.12.2021
- Purchase of tangible assets 4.0, a tax credit of 50% is recognized up to a maximum cost of 2,5 million euros – tax credit of 30% for cost from 2,5 million to 10 million – tax credit of 10% for cost over 10 million;
- From 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022
- Purchase of tangible assets 4.0, a tax credit of 40% is recognized up to a maximum cost of 2,5 million euros – tax credit of 20% for cost from 2,5 million to 10 million – tax credit of 10% for cost over 10 million;
For Purchase of intangible assets 4.0, a tax credit of 20% is recognized up to a maximum cost of 1 million euros.
Italian special tax regime for individuals who move their residency in Italy
Since the tax year 2017, Italy has introduced a special regime for individuals who transfer their tax residency to Italy. Such regime provides for a flat tax (i. e. substitutive tax) of 100.000,00 Euro (due each year) on the income sourced abroad, if particular conditions are met. Furthermore, the optional regime can be “extended” to other members of the family (i.e. spouse, sons, parents etc.) of the “principal” individual who opted for the regime. For the additional members of the family, the annual amount of the flat tax is of 25.000,00 Euro.
What are the strengths of your branch? What do your customers value most about your cooperation?
LDP’s strength point is its multidisciplinary expertise: Tax & Accounting, Legal, Payroll, Transfer Pricing, Global Mobility, Permanent Establishment M&A and Corporate Finance.
Working exclusively with multinational clients allowed us to understand their need to have professional Italian partners who work in English, respect the deadlines, are proactive and always available.
LDP is a very innovative Professional Firm offering always new digital solutions for its Client.
Choosing LDP means:
- Incorporate a company and employer registration in 3-4 days from the company formation;
- Integrate the newco under the group reporting;
- Smooth payroll migration from the previous payroll provider;
- Be compliant with Transfer Pricing rules;
- Full Tax, Legal support during the M&A process;
- Domicile the company or have a desk in LDP coworking area;
- Data visualization service, 24/24h access to data and kpis updated both for financial and payroll purposes;
- Be always updated on the law changes
- Delegate the cash movement activity
What makes the Accace Circle community different from other associations?
LDP decided to join Accace Circle because it believes in the power of being part of a large network of relationships.
Indeed, being part of a global business community like Accace means having the possibility to connect closely with trusted and expert BPO providers and advisors from various sectors, to share its own know-how to best serve the business needs of other Partners. Such a synergy becomes the key for mutual business growth. Indeed, these partnerships allows LDP to offer the same Tax, Legal and Labour services provided in Italy, also to clients whose branches are located abroad.
Accace Circle allowed LDP to be approached with Accace clients’ requests for development or initiation of business in Italy, and vice versa, thus fostering new international business relationships.
Beside this, Accace Circle is extremely online. Its Community forum and webinars foster debates on several business-specific subjects, thus encouraging the exchange of ideas, business models and practices among its members.
Moreover, thanks to its marketing team, Accace Circle succeeds in promoting its members, thus boosting their visibility and credibility, for example by publishing international news and success stories. Nowadays, this is essential for a given company in order to reach a wider clientele.
LDP Tax, Law & Payroll is a well-established provider of BPO and consulting services in Italy, present on the market since 1993. LDP offers a full range of professional services for multinational companies such as market entry and incorporation services, accounting and bookkeeping, tax and vat compliance, financial reporting, payroll and HR, labour law support, global mobility services as well as M&A, transfer pricing, corporate finance, legal advice and more.