A.TL.AS Consulting participated for the first time and with great success in Beyond Expo 2023 that was held in ΔΕΘ HELEXPO Thessaloniki from May 24 to 26.
Friends, relatives, partners, clients, colleagues, familiar people and more, were on ATLAS’s stand D09 hall 13, which attracted the attention of the visitors. Each one concerned, had the possibility to be informed about the wide range of the provided integrated business solutions of Tax- Accounting and consulting services for tech companies but also for companies in other fields.
Concurrently, the corporate event of A.TL.AS, was of particular interest. The agenda included a presentation of business co-funded programs introduced by the Business Development Department. After that, pleasant and touching surprises followed!
Specifically, honor awards were bestowed to the pioneers of A.TL.AS Consulting, the founder Mr. Kleanthis Patsoumis and his wife Mrs. Chrisanthi Patsoumi for their job and the values inspiration for 5 decades.
The awarding was opened by Mrs. Sousana Patsoumi Kalfa, General Manager and Co-founder of A.TL.AS Consulting, expressing her gratitude for their contribution to the company’s consolidation and values impartation, which support this enterprise in these difficult times without ethics.
Subsequently, Mrs. Chrisanthi Patsoumi received her award in recognition and a bouquet for her long-term assistance & efforts, and Mr. Kleanthis Patsoumis awarding in recognition for his major contribution followed. Deeply touched, he referred to an amazing story that exceeds the limits of a daily collaboration to a collaboration with family bonds.

K.P: One day, while I was building my house, I needed money, I visited many partners but there was always on my mind a partnership that I had with two brothers.
When I told them that I was building my house, and I needed some money, they said:
– How much do you need Kleanthis? Take this blank check and fill in the amount you need and the date you need to redeem it.
That kind of Partners l had, and such partners supported us to be here today, I deeply thank you for everything!
I could never imagine in my wildest dreams that this business could have this success and that in a few years from now to see my grandchildren to this position.
Another very touching and optimistic message, given by the two young boys Leonidas & Kleanthis Vagiatis, that took the floor and proudly indicated that they would like to become the future of A.TL.AS Consulting.
All in all, the event was concluded with the declaration of Thanks from Mr. Giorgos Kalfas CEO and Co-founder of A.TL.AS Consulting and Mrs. Aliki Patsoumi, Payroll & HR Supervisor announcement that expressed her great pleasure but also her gratitude to her brothers for their motivation to return back to the company after taking a carrier break to raise her children.

Atlas Consulting, possessing almost 5 decades of market experience, is a reliable provider of BPO, financial and consulting services for SMEs and individuals doing business in Greece and the region – providing a one-stop-shop for a wide range of services, such as company incorporation, accounting and tax compliance, payroll and HR, international tax planning, business administration services, as well as immigration strategies and expatriate solutions.
Website:Â www.atlasconsulting.gr